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Total War: Warhammer 3: How to Play?

With its new tutorial campaign, Total War: Warhammer 3 is the ideal starting point for new fans of the series. But how to get better once you know the basics?




The Total War series has been on the market for 22 years now, constantly refining and upgrading its mechanics.

However, as every following game was expanding older ideas, players unfamiliar with the series found it difficult to get into the series. Though Total War: Warhammer 3 aims to combat that problem by including a special tutorial campaign, there are still a lot of things you should know before beginning your conquest.

How to Play Total War: Warhammer 3

In order to play the game effectively, you’ll need to get a good understanding of it’s general mechanics as well as knowledge about the factions present – both in order to choose a faction that suits your playstyle and know what to expect from your enemies.

As you’ll start the campaign, the game will immediately ask you to choose a faction, which might be a bit overwhelming. So, let’s break down what each faction does!

Factions in Total War: Warhammer 3

Total War: Warhammer 3 gives you a chance to command 7 different factions, with the eighth one, the ogre kingdom, available as DLC.

Each one of those has unique mechanics that will impact how you’ll be playing the game. All of the five chaos nations (the Legion of Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, and the Slaanesh) all favor aggressive playstyles, while the Ogre Kingdoms, Cathay and Kislev allow you to play the game more diplomatically.

However, keep in mind that the two human factions have different leaders you can choose from, although they don’t impact the game all that much. For beginners, Legion of Chaos, Khorne and Kislev would be the easiest factions to play as, while Cathey and Tzeentch are the hardest to control.

The Campaign Map

Outside of battles, most of the game takes place on a massive campaign map. Depending on the faction you play as, you’ll have a different starting point. This part of the game is turn-based.

Each turn, you’ll be able to move your armies and manage your settlements. Settlements allow you to build building, which in turn, will provide you with many benefits, such as new units. With that said, deciding what to build is crucial, but expanding your borders is even more crucial. More settlements mean more resources which means more options.

So, your main goal should always be to absorb nearby providences into your empire. That can be done be waging a war or by asking another ruler to confederate their settlements into your faction.

Diplomacy is one option you should keep in mind when playing, as it became much more powerful, compared to previous instalments. The alliance system has been greatly expanded, allowing you to build outpost in allied cities and recruit units from your allies.

The Battles

The main portion of the game are the battles.

To win those, you’ll need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your units and then effectively use them on the battlefield. Flying units are a great way to outmaneuver your enemies, cavalry can easily deal much damage by charging your enemies from behind, while melee infantry can keep the enemy units in place.

To triumph, you’ll need to cover the weaknesses of one unit with the strength of the other. For example, infantry is usually weak against ranged units, so you can deal with those using flying units. Once you’ll get acquainted with different types of units, you can use their best traits in clever ways to crush the opponents.

For example, you can engage a group of enemy units with your most durable soldiers and flank them with your cavalry when their busy.

As you play the game more, you’ll find many similar strategies, as long as you’ll always remember your unit’s unique characteristics!

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