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World War 3: Beginner’s Guide | Everything You Need to Know

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World War 3 is playable now and we’re just as excited as you. However, don’t jump in just yet into a play and get killed by the enemy, we’ve prepared a series of tips and should-knows for you so to make sure you get the best of your World War 3 experience.

Beginner’s Guide | Everything You Need to Know in World War 3

From your main screen where you can see Quick Play, Training, Career, Shop etc., all pretty self-explanatory areas. Alongside them, you will find the Customize section, and in it, you will be faced with multiple options that we will walk you through.

The first and simplest of them is Character. It will lead you to a screen with three character slots from where you can see their name and make changes to most of their aesthetics: be it their face or their clothing. The Character screen also comes with Operators, which are pre-defined characters you can get from the Shop.

 Another of the options in Customize and the one you will spend the most time in is Equipment.

Image Credit: TactiGamer

From here you manage everything related to your paraphernalia, like your primary and secondary guns, what material are your helmet and jacket are made of, and gadgets like ammunition, medical packs and the different kind of grenades you will be carrying into battle, as well as items like Reflex Sight and Echolocation machine.

What you have to take into account is that all of these things have a Loadout, or what is the same, weight. The more equipment and the heavier it is will affect your movement speed during the game: someone with an assault rifle and a handgun will be faster than someone carrying an RPG and the same handgun even if the rest of their equipment looks the same.

Trying to carry everything is also impossible. If you equip something that would put you over your Loadout limit you’ll get a popup telling you that the change couldn’t be done.

Weapon customization

In the same vein as characters, you can customize your weapons. They have different number of attachments you can add, change or remove. Some of them, like the Sights can have gameplay effects like changing the way the sight is presented, while others are purely aesthetic.

You’ll need to level up first before you have every option at your disposal and you can experiment with tweaks on your weapon to maximize them towards your purpose, whichever it is.

Image Credit: TactiGamer

Strikes customization

In Strikes you got three categories: UAV, Support and Vehicles.

For newcomers, UAV means unmanned aerial vehicle, they’re units that’ll help you in the field by providing effects like radio noise to stop the enemy from calling support of their own or airstrikes (Jammers), or area scans to reveal the location of the enemy units and so on (Radars).

On Support, we’re talking about airstrikes, artillery or bombing, all different kinds of Area of Attacks, some more effective against infantry, some more effective against enemy vehicles like armored tanks.

Vehicles have a large selection of their namesake, letting you choose between Aerial or Land Drones, Tanks, Tank Destroyer. They’re basically your counterpart in the Support area. Vehicles, like weapons, can be customized: you can modify their armor, turrets, or cannons, depending on what they have. These options need to be unlocked before you can make any modifications.

General Tips for World War 3

  • You can have up to 2 sights on a same weapon and cycle through with the middle mouse button. This will cycle views in vehicles as well
  • Grenades can be cooked by holding G (if you haven’t changed buttons)
  • Ammunition can be swapped by holding the button R. This will only work if you had chosen a second ammo type in the Customization screen.
  • Loadout is divided in three weight classes: Light, Medium and Heavy. What this means is that within a class there is no difference to your jump recovery and move speed, so you can optimize your loadout by getting as heavy as possible within a class as it won’t have any effects, so long you don’t move into the following weight class.
  • If you are a Squad Leader  you can give orders by aiming at an objective and right clicking the spawn-map or pressing X. Giving orders is important, as Squad members who follow them get 75 points for following orders, and you get those same 75 points if they follow it. While being a Leader you also get 200 points for every kill a member of your squad makes at your order. Points are one of the most important resources as you use those to call for Strikes.
  • Leaving items for members to use will grant you points, no matter if you’re a squad leader or member so long the item you left is used.
Image Credit: TactiGamer

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