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Dead By Daylight: Best Survivor Builds to Rank Up Fast

With the Perk rework update in Patch 6.1.0, Survivor builds that used to be meta were now no longer as viable as they once were. As such, the best Survivor builds for ranking up fast have changed.




There were some major changes to Survivor Perks that got introduced in the 6.1.0 Patch. As such, if you want to rank up as quickly as possible, you need to know which Survivor build is the best to use. That said, there are a couple of builds that will help you rank up quickly in the game.

In this article, however, I’ll show you the top 3 Survivor builds that will help you rank up like crazy.

Best Survivor Builds to Rank Up Fast in Dead By Daylight

There were around 40 perks that got reworked in the 6.1.0 update. This means that there were major changes in lots of Survivor builds. In fact, a lot of them are no longer as efficient as they were before. That said, the top 3 builds should focus on all-around success in order for them to be viable. Without further ado, here are the best Survivor builds you should consider:

Totem Build

For this build, you want to use the Sprint Burst perk. In my opinion, this is arguably the best exhaustion perk in the game. This perk will give you a massive headstart at the start of a chase, allowing you to create a huge distance between you and the killer. Not only that, but it also lets you reach objectives a lot faster.

Then we have the Overzealous perk which increases your Repair speed by a huge percentage each time you cleanse a totem. The bonus will depend on the type of totem you cleansed. The Hex Totem will give you more bonus than the Dull Totem.

However, it will deactivate if you lose a Health State, but as long as you don’t, then it will make repairing generators a whole lot faster.

Third is the Inner Healing perk which synergizes well with Overzealous. With this perk, you activate Inner Strength each time you cleanse a totem. Inner Strength basically lets you recover one Health State when you’re in the Injured State when you hide inside a locker for several seconds.

The last perk you want to add for this build is Lightweight which reduces your Scratch Marks’ duration by a few seconds. With this perk, you can easily hide or escape from the killer, making it hard for him to track you. Alternatively, you can replace it with the Small Game perk just in case you have trouble finding your totems.

Bill and Meg 2.0 Build

Similar to the first build, we’re going to use the Sprint Burst perk for this one for the same reasons stated earlier. Then the second perk will be We’ll Make It which increases your Altruistic Healing speed by 100% for a certain period of time. This means that you can heal other Survivors at twice the speed which is really huge.

The third perk is Kindred which lets you see all Survivors’ aura as well as that of the killer’s every time a Survivor is hooked. Meanwhile, if you are hooked, Survivors will see each other’s aura and that of the killer as well, making it a really good information perk.

The last perk for this build is Unbreakable. This is a perk that increases your Recovery speed significantly and even lets you recover from a Dying State completely. However, you can only do it once per Trial. Still, it’s really useful as it could mean the difference between life and death.

Meta Build

As for the #1 build, we have the Meta Build which is by far the best build when it comes to ranking up pretty quickly. For this build, we’ll be using the Lithe perk which lets you get a sprint burst each time you perform a rushed vault. What makes this really good is that you can use it inside and outside chases. You can even freely activate it whenever you want.

The second perk is Off the Record, a perk that hides your aura from the killer for a certain period of time after hooking or getting hooked. However, this is a paid perk, so if you don’t have it, then an alternative would be Decisive Strike. With this perk, you can automatically escape a killer’s grab. It will also stun him for 3 seconds after successfully performing a Skill Check.

Next is the Prove Thyself perk which is basically the best bloodpoint and objective perk in the game. What it does is it gives you a bonus to your Repair speed each time a Survivor is within 4 meters from you.

The best part is that the effect is stackable up to 45%. This means that the more Survivor within that range, the faster your Repair speed gets. It gets even crazier by the fact that the bonuses also apply to those Survivors.

Lastly, we have the Boon: Circle of Healing. This is a perk that increases Healing speed of all Survivors within the radius of the Boon totem. It also unlocks the Self-Care ability, letting you heal yourself without the need for a Med-Kit.

To activate this, you just have to hold the button near a Dull or Hex totem to convert it into a Boon totem.

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