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Dead By Daylight: Chapter 25 New Survivor Perks and RPD Rework Visuals Leaks

Chapter 25 is the next upcoming DLC for Dead by Daylight which is set to release in September this year. However, various leaks regarding Survivor perks and other stuff are already out there.




There’s still roughly a month left before Chapter 25 for Dead by Daylight releases. However, it seems that various leaks regarding new Survivor perks and RPD rework visuals have already circulated the internet. In this article, we’re going to have a look at what these leaks tell us.

Chapter 25 New Survivor Perks and RPD Rework Visuals Leaks in Dead By Daylight

According to previous leaks that were released by DBDLEaks on Twitter, two new Survivors will make it to the game in Chapter 25, Ada Wong and Rebecca Chambers. However, any info about them back then was pretty scarce, until not long ago.

Information from the same leaker revealed three of Ada Wong’s perks which are namely Reactive Healing, Wiretap, and Low Profile. Moreover, each of the leaked perks has its own description.

Let’s start first with Reactive Healing. According to the description, this perk increases healing progression by 15/20/25% each time another survivor within 32 meters from you takes a hit. Then we have Wiretap, which is a perk that lets you trap a generator that remains for 60/70/80 seconds. Also, the trap will reveal the killer’s aura in a certain range when triggered.

Lastly, there’s Low Profile which basically causes you to leave no scratch marks for 60/70/80 seconds if you’re the remaining Survivor.

Information regarding Rebecca Chambers’ is also revealed, with her three perks namely Reassurance, Hyperfocus, and Better than New. Reassurance allows you to pause the struggle phase of another survivor within 6 meters for several seconds. Meanwhile, Hyperfocus is a token perk that causes your Skill Check cursor to be 0.4% faster for each token.

Lastly, the Better than New perk increases the Healing, Opening, Repairing, and Cleansing of other survivors upon activation.

RPD Rework Visuals

Apart from these Survivor perks, there’s also a leak regarding the new RPD rework. According to the leaks, the upstairs area will be completely shut off, meaning players will no longer be able to access that zone. There also seems to be a new area, and the devs even stated that they will be dividing the map into two sides and adding new areas to both sides.

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