Marauder’s Zero to Hero is a progression mechanic that details your increasing reputation with the Pirates.
You may be having trouble with the rank 8 mission: Scouting Party, which asks you to hold the Furnace for 90 Seconds. This vague objective can leave you wandering around maps for hours with nothing to find. To avoid the trouble, in this guide we will guide you to its location so that you get your contract done.
Furnace Location Guide in Marauders
Simply put, you find the Furnace in the Iridium Asteroid Mine map.
To reach the Furnace, go to the entrance that has docking stations on both sides and take to the one on the left.
Try to get the spawn where you appear in one set of stairs next to a second one: move from the first to the second and wall-hug to the exterior of the map. You’ll come to these stairs:
Run past them and to the right of the fan, entering DOCK 2B and go in a straight line, passing by two holes in different walls until you come to a spot with another fan and metal boxes. From there go to the direction the fan is facing (the right) up a slope. Keep going past the trucks and right into Security.
Images credit: RogueMonkeyJr
Walk down to where the truck is and go left and down ramps until you come to the light of a half-track bike with the headlight turned on.
Go up the ramp that’s to the side of the bike and turn to the right after you’ve taken only four or five steps. Follow that path and up to a set of stairs and you’ll come to Furnace.
Images credit: RogueMonkeyJr
Take the left turn and you’ll find yourself at the furnace. Hold for the 90 seconds the contract asks and it’ll be done.