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Gotham Knights: How to Solve the Shadow Bird Puzzle

Be friends with the dark and play with the shadows. Solve the Shadow Bird puzzle in Gotham Knights.




In your adventurous journey of being a hero, you will encounter several puzzles that need to be solved to proceed to the story of the game. In The Rabbit Hole mission, you will be tasked to accomplish such tricky puzzles. One of which is the Shadow Bird Puzzle.

This involves a room with a spotlight and four different figures that comprise the figure of a bird. To successfully finish this task, you have to make use of the spotlight and manipulate the positions of each figure to create a shadow of a bird.

We are pretty sure that you are excited to pass this task and reach the Court of Owls’ secret hideout. So, to make things easier, we made this brief guide to show you how it is done.

Shadow Bird Puzzle Solution in Gotham Knights

Source: Gamers Heroes

When you enter this place, you will see a long table with candlelights on it. There are also different figures on top of the table.

If you would notice, there is no exit in this room, and it is your task to find your way out.

Source: PowerPyx

The first thing you have to do is interact with the spotlight to turn it on. You will see a big shadow formed across the wall. This is all you have to do: rotate the figures until you make a perfect shadow figure of a bird on the wall.

At first, this might seem confusing, but here’s all you have to do.

Source: Gamers Heroes

From the position of the light source, go to the right side of the table and move next to the first figure closest to the spotlight. Rotate it once.

This figure will be the claw of the bird, and after rotating it once, the claw should be pointing in your direction.

Source: PowerPyx

Now, move to the other side and rotate the second figure two times. This will be the bird’s tail. Since you are standing on the left side, the tail should be pointing at you.

Source: PowerPyx

The third figure will be one of the bird’s wings. Rotate it thrice, and the wings should also be pointing in your direction.

Source: PowerPyx

This last part will also be one of the wings. Rotate it thrice to make a figure of a bird with widespread wings.

When everything is set, interact with the same button again to trigger a cutscene. With these steps, you have already completed this objective.

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