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Outriders Worldslayer: Best Mods You Need to Use Guide

There are lots of new mods introduced in the Worldslayer expansion. However, there are a few of them that can be considered the best among the rest.




Gear and weapon mods basically enhance your current build and make it more powerful, allowing you to take on harder content. However, you need to use the right combination of mods for all your gear if you want to make it viable.

That said, the release of Worldslayer introduced a handful of new mods into the game. Needless to say, a lot of these new mods are quite powerful given the right build. In this guide, we’re going to talk about the best mods in the game that you need to use right now. Let’s get started.

Best Mods You Need to Use Guide in Outriders Worldslayer

There are lots of amazing mods we’re going to cover here. As such, I will be breaking them down into separate sections depending on which category they belong to.

Firepower Build Mods

There are a handful of really strong mods that can make your firepower build even stronger. One mod, in particular, is the King Slayer. Basically, this mod increases your Firepower by up to 32,178 for 6 seconds each time you deal a critical hit on an Elite.

Do take note that this number scales on your level and weapon damage bonus, with higher level and weapon damage giving you more Firepower bonus.

Another really powerful mod is Stare into the Barrel which increases your Firepower by 10,039 for every single enemy in Close Rage. Similar to King Slayer, its bonus will scale on your level and weapon damage bonus. Also, what makes it really powerful is the fact that it can stack up to 4 times, giving you tons of Firepower in return.

Anomaly Power Build Mods

First off, I’m going to start by saying that the mods you should be looking for when playing an AP build are No Resistance Against the Fortified and Unstoppable Force.

The reason is that both mods complement each other, with No Resistance providing more Resistance Piercing based on your Armor Piercing value and Unstoppable Force providing more Anomaly Power based on your Resistance Piercing value.

Other mods worth mentioning are Anomaly Echo and Arms and Anomaly. These two mods increase your Anomaly Power each time you deal a critical hit and grant bonus Firepower and Anomaly Power for 6 seconds each time you activate a skill.

Survivability Mods

Worldslayer isn’t just about dealing the highest damage possible, but it’s also keeping yourself alive for as long as possible. By far the best survivability mod right now in my opinion is Self-Medication. What it does is increase your Max Health by 10% each time a skill starts going cooldown.

However, it also fully heals you when that happens. What’s even crazier is that it can stack up to 3 times, thus giving you 30% increased Max Health that last for a decent amount of time.

Probably the second best mod in this category is Perseverance Shield. This mod grants you Shield each time your Health drops below 30%. Apart from that, it has a very short cooldown of only 5 seconds, which means that you can effectively survive enemy fire for as long as you possibly can.

Weapon Mods

One of the best weapons mods you could use for an AP build is Mage’s Rage. Specifically, this mod grants 10% increased Anomaly Power each time you deal a critical hit. It can also stack up to 4 times, effectively giving you a 40% increase for 15 seconds.

Another excellent option is Dimensional Rockets which fires 4 rockets at the 4 closest enemies for a ton of damage. It also has a relatively short cooldown of only 2 seconds, making it extremely powerful for clearing mobs. However, it’s more preferred for bossing due to all 4 rockets hitting the boss at the same time.

The last best mod in this category is Firestorm. This is a mod that summons a homing firestorm that inflicts Burn to enemies caught in its AOE. The amazing thing about this mod is that its AOE increases for every successful hit you do to your target.

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