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Wall World: What Happens When the Timer Hits 00:00

Time is running out! But what does that mean?




Wall World tasks players with exploring a large wall with a robotic spider. You will need to explore multiple caves and mine for resources, all while a timer is constantly counting down.

But what does this timer really signal? What happens when the timer reaches 0? Let’s find out!

What Happens When the Timer Runs Out in Wall World

Source: ChristopherOdd

If you manage to survive until the timer reaches 00:00, you will be faced with a gigantic horde of enemies.

They will start attacking your robospider as soon as the time runs out, so make your way back to it before it happens!

But it won’t just be regular enemies, either. A gigantic black Zyrex will also appear, ready to take you out with its massive tentacles!

However, this isn’t an instant game over either. You can fight back! It’s unlikely that you will be able to defeat this monstrosity without some serious preparation, but the option is there.

Source: ChristopherOdd

Focus on taking down the small regular enemies first, as they will be incredibly obnoxious with their constant barrage of attacks.

The black mass will instead focus on hitting your robospider with its tentacles. When it’s about to attack, a red warning highlight will appear on the wall. Get out of its way to avoid the attack.

While doing so, shoot the purple glowing spots on the massive creature. You won’t deal damage by shooting any other part of its body.

The monster may also open up some sort of eyeball with yellow spots. When it does, it will charge up a laser that will instantly destroy your robospider. Quickly shoot the yellow spots to stop its charge.

Source: ChristopherOdd

It won’t be easy, but keep it up and you’ll be able to push it back. You will likely need to upgrade your robospider quite a lot by doing various runs.

Managing to defeat this boss will make it leave, resetting the timer and giving you an additional 15 minutes to continue exploring. After those 15 minutes are up, it will return!

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