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Granblue Fantasy Relink: Secret Cocktail Recipe Location

Learn the recipe for a forbidden drink!




The Secret Cocktail Recipe is the target of one of the many side-quests in Granblue Fantasy: Relink, and it can be tricky to find if you don’t know its location.

Thankfully, though, it’s actually found in one of the main towns, Seedhollow. You won’t need to leave the comfort of Seedhollow to find the recipe, no monster fighting required!

In this guide, we’ll tell you the location of the Secret Cocktail Recipe archive item and what it’s used for.

Where to Find the Secret Cocktail Recipe Location

Granblue Fantasy Relink: Secret Cocktail Recipe Location - The Meddling Guard

The Secret Cocktail Recipe is a required item for the “The Forbidden Spirit” sidequest, given to you by the Meddling Guard in Seedhollow. Though you probably know that already if you’re here, huh?

Anyway, to find the Secret Cocktail Recipe you simply need to head to the pub in Seedhollow. You’ll find it there as a purple shining book near one of the counters.

If you need help reaching the pub, we’ll give you step-by-step directions starting from the Meddling Guard’s position!

Granblue Fantasy Relink: Secret Cocktail Recipe Location Step 1

Face the Meddling Guard and turn to your left and you should notice a corner on the street. Take the corner going to the right.

Granblue Fantasy Relink: Secret Cocktail Recipe Location Step 2

You’ll now be on a pretty linear path along the streets, but you will eventually reach an overhang with some stairs to your right. Go down the stairs.

Granblue Fantasy Relink: Secret Cocktail Recipe Location Step 3

Once you’re down the stairs, turn to the left and keep going forward until you are inside a building full of tables and counters. This is the pub!

The purple glow for the recipe

Look at the long L-shaped corner in front of you and you should notice a purple glow next to it. Interact with it to pick up the Secret Cocktail Recipe.

Archive Item added!

It doubles both as a quest item and as an archive item, so you can give it a read from Lirya’s Journal later if you’re curious!

Either way, you now just need to retrace your steps back to the Meddling Guard. Give him the Secret Cocktail Recipe and you’ll complete the quest!

ALSO READ: Granblue Fantasy Relink: Ultimate Combat Guide

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