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Museum Bookshelf Puzzle Solution – Hello Neighbor 2

Books are always the key to success, even in escaping.




hello neighbor 2 museum bookshelf puzzle solution

Explore hidden rooms and find pieces of evidence about the cause missing people of Raven Brooks. Be on your guard as the creepy and suspicious neighbor, Mr. Theodore Masters Peterson is always on the look.

Throughout your journey in Hello Neighbor 2, you will get to explore different locations while hiding from Mr. Peterson. But for some cases, your focus should not be just on hiding but escaping.

Some rooms that you will see here contain secret passages. However, some rooms require you to be extra observant and become a critical thinker as you need to solve puzzles in order to leave.

One of the puzzles that you will eventually encounter is the bookshelf inside the Museum.

Museum Bookshelf Puzzle Solution in Hello Neighbor 2

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As you wander inside the Museum, you will find yourself in this room with a bunch of candles on the floor, with a bookshelf at the back.

If you would notice, there are lots of interactive items that you can pick up and use later. Make sure to be vigilant about what’s happening around you as you go on with this mission.

How to Solve the Bookshelf Puzzle

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The first thing you have to do here is approach the book on top of the table which is located near the door. You will notice that this is not a real book, but a secret container that has a wrench inside. Pick up the wrench.

After that, leave the room through the door. At this point, you have to be extra careful as Mr. Peterson will be roaming around. Do your best to hide.

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As you leave the room, turn left and you will see another door that is locked. Use the wrench on the lock to unscrew it.

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Inside this room, you will see a closed toilet bowl on the right side. On top of its cover is a book. Pick it up and go back to the first room.

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While you are holding the book, approach the bookshelf and place it on one of the gaps between a book and a candle.

RELATED: Hello Neighbor 2: How to Escape The Museum Night 4

Now, this next step is a little tricky. You have to leave the room again, and head straight to the balcony on the other side.

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As you arrive there, get on top of the table and jump again to reach the top of the object covered in a blanket.

This comes to the hard part. Once you are already on top, face to the back and jump over this small compartment that you can see above. There, you can see a box.

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Open this box and you will get this small metal figure, sort of a part of an antenna.

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From your location, move to the left aisle. Keep heading straight until you see this door that reveals the outside.

Once you are outside, jump over the platform made of wooden planks and keep going up using the ladders. You will know that you are already there if you have already seen the last and the longest ladder.

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Jump down there and go to the edge of this path. You will then see a broken antenna.

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Get the metal object that you got from the box and attach it there. Once it is attached, tweak both of them until they look like this one.

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After that, you can go back inside the museum by sliding down the roof on your left side. It will lead you to an open door. When you enter the building again, turn left and approach the television.

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You have to interact with the television multiple times as it will reveal specific figures that will be useful later. When you do this, the object that will flash will be a flower, firewood, and a planet.

After that, you should go back to the first room where the bookshelf is located. You have to look for books that have those symbols on them.

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Both the books with firewood and a flower can be seen on the shelf on the right.

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While the book with the planet is on the other side. After you interact with those three books, the wall in the middle of the shelves will turn and will reveal a head of a bear.

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