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Game Tips

Everspace 2: Top Beginner’s Tips and Tricks

Helpful tips to make starting the game a lot easier for you!




Everspace 2 is a fun spaceship shooter with tons of RPG elements and depth. But if you’re a beginner, you might find most of its mechanics quite overwhelming.

If you are eager to start the game but are having trouble getting your footing, we have a list of helpful tips and tricks to make things easier! Let’s get started.

Get Used to the Controls

Source: Everspace 2

As soon as you start, you want to get used to the game’s controls.

You can practice moving, aiming, and shooting on the asteroids that are flying through space. They won’t break or anything like that, but they move around so it’s a good way to practice your skills early.

We recommend doing this before you go out there and get into combat situations.

Use the Lock-on System

Source: Everspace 2

You can lock onto targets by aiming at them and pressing the middle mouse button or the Right Thumbstick on your gamepad.

This makes it easier to follow them while also allowing your homing missiles and drones to follow them.

You’ll know that an enemy is locked onto when you see a square rectangle around them. Don’t forget to use this, especially if you’re using lots of drones.

Learn about the Various Damage Types

Source: Everspace 2

Every weapon has two different damage types: Kinetic and Energy. Some weapons focus on one or the other, but some provide a balance between the two.

Energy damage is meant to be used primarily against your enemies’ shields. Energy weapons will shred through their shields quickly.

Meanwhile, Kinetic damage is best when you are directly hitting your enemy. After depleting their shields with an Energy heavy, switch to a Kinetic weapon and destroy their ship!

Learning which weapon to use and when is key to victory.

Know When to Quit

If you are overwhelmed by your foes, don’t be afraid to put some distance between you and them.

Use the distance to get out of their weapons’ range and repair your ship, or just straight up fly away from combat. Live to fight another day!

You can also maneuver around to separate your enemies from each other then try picking them off one by one.

Use Your Entire Toolset

Besides your primary and secondary weapons, you also have a few more tools in the form of Devices, Ultimates, and Consumables.

Devices are active abilities that have a variety of effects, such as inflicting foes with viruses or teleporting your own ship. After each use, they will go into a temporary cooldown.

Ultimates are powerful ship-specific skills. Each ship class has a different one, but they are all charged by dealing damage. They are also extremely powerful for offense and defense.

The last ones are Consumables.

These are single-use items with a variety of effects. Some will boost your damage while others will repair your hull. They are amazing to get you out of a sticky situation – use them wisely.

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