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How To Unlock The City Of Deceased Domain In Genshin Impact

Everything you need to know about the City of Deceased!

David Mickov



There is a very cool map region that you might not know about since it isn’t marked on the map at all.

This is a The City Of Deceased Domain in this guide we shall help you out on how and where you can actually find it, and then unlock it. Let’s get started and point you in the right direction.

Genshin Impact – How To Unlock The City Of Deceased Domain

Map Location

Head to the location that is shown in the picture above. As you can see, it will be just on the right side of the large Desert of Hadramaveth. You will head here and follow the main road. Here is a zoomed-in map for better understanding.

You can spot the Dunes of Steel as the name marked on the map. Just head directly east of it and on the ground is where you can find a very big opening hole. The Opening looks like this:

Once you see this opening you just need to head directly inside of it by using the main road that leads under.

Keep following the road until you reach a structure surrounded by a couple of totems. Now you shall need to do a puzzle to get the City unlocked.

Puzzle For The City Of The Deceased

There are a total of 4 totems that you need to activate with your fire bows. Here we shall present you all of them and the same exact order of how you should strike them.

Amber is a good character to do this with.

First, you need to hit the once directly next to the structure itself. Once you’ve done so, you are going to target the one on the right side, or marked with a 2 on the picture above.

Now you want to just look on the opposite side of the structure and here you shall find another set of totems. Use your fire bow to strike them both in this order too.

Once you get all of the totems, simply activate the structure and you will get the City of Deceased to pop up from the ground. Congratulations!

We hope that this guide has helped you out on what you need to do to get to the City of Deceased in Genshin Impact. Have fun exploring this amazing area!

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