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Genshin Impact: Where to Find the Final 7th Statue in Sumeru

There are 7 statues of the Seven in the Sumeru Region.




Teyvat currently has 24 Statue of the Seven Scattered across the world. Five of them are in Mondstatd, Six in Liyue, Six in Inazuma and the remaining 7 are in the Sumeru Region.

These statues help you teleport across different locations in the world and that’s why finding them all is essential for you to travel easily among the locations.

The Seventh Statue in Sumeru however is a bit hard to unlock and today, we will guide you on how to unlock the final Statue of the Seven in the Sumeru Region.

Where to Find the Final Statue in Sumeru on Genshin Impact

The final Statue of the Seven can be Located in Old Vanarana in the Sumeru Region. This is initially a hidden Region and by activating the statue of the seven there, you would be able to unlock the area as well as the statue of the seven hidden there.

Do the World Quest

For you to get there you have to do the World of Aranara World Quest. This would probably take around 10 to twelve hours to complete. This is because the World Quests in Sumeru branch out into multiple quest lines for you to follow and complete.

Unlock the Statue

Once you complete the quests, head on over to the teleport waypoint shown in the image above. From here head over to the undiscovered area. There, you’ll find that the Statue of the Seven would now be visible on the map.

Head on over and activate it finish unlocking the 7th statue and the whole map region of Sumeru.

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