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Tower of Fantasy: Earthphyte Puzzle Solution

The Earthphyte Puzzle is a challenging puzzle that requires you to look for a missing bud and match it with the right flower.




There are various types of puzzles in Tower of Fantasy, and most of them aren’t even what you might expect. Take the Earthphyte puzzle, for example, one which involves plants. In this puzzle, you’ll have to look for buds with matching colors and place them in their respective plants.

However, it can be a bit challenging at times. In this guide, I’ll show you how you can complete this puzzle as quickly as possible.

Earthphyte Puzzle Solution in Tower of Fantasy

You can actually find a lot of Earthphytes throughout your adventure, specifically in the Crown region where a lot of them spawn. As soon as you find one, you have to inspect its center and take note of its color. Then, you have to look for a bulb that has the same color as the flower’s center.

In some cases, you’ll have to venture a bit farther in order to look for a bud with a matching color. At the same time, you’ll have to scale cliffs and hills just to reconnect it with its matching flower. You can easily recognize these buds by their round and dotted pattern.

Once you find a matching bud, simply pick it up, go back to where the flower is, then toss it to its center. Shortly, the flower will wrap itself around the orb, releasing either a Gold or Black Nucleus in the process.

It’s worth noting that your movement is significantly reduced while carrying a bud. This could take you a bit more time to finish, especially if its matching flower is far away.

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