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MapleStory – Starforcing Guide for NEW Players | 2023

Starforcing have you puzzled? Reading this guide will teach you more!

Doben Villaruz



maplestory starforcing guide for new players 2023

Although we do occasionally get confused on how to do them properly and sometimes we end up messing up on things, I do feel you on that one as I have experienced that before. However, don’t worry as we will guide you on Maplestory Starforcing upgrade system. I know some of us gamers who are playing MMORPG wants to make our characters stronger by enhancing/upgrading our equipment so that when push comes to shove in either boss battles or PVP we are well prepared.

How can I improve my Star Force equipment?

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Players can upgrade their equipment’s stats by paying meso through the Star Force enhancement system. Each successful Star Force improvement adds a star and boosts stats by a specific amount, but it also makes the subsequent effort more challenging.

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Advanced Equip Enhancement scrolls and the Star Force system are complementary, but the former carries a lot less danger.

How to use Star Force Augmentation

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1. In the Item Inventory window’s lower right corner, click the Equipment Enchant button. The window for enchanting equipment will then open.

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2. Enter the Equipment Enchant window by dragging the item. The Star Force UI will automatically appear if the item has no open enhancement slots.

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Note: Only once every scrolling enhancement slot has been used on non-Reboot servers will the Star Force UI become visible. Prior to applying Star Force, scroll the equipment!

3. The stats that will be added, the success rate, and the meso cost for the upcoming Star Force upgrade are all displayed.

4. To start Star Forcing, select Enhance, and then choose OK from the confirmation menu.

5. You’ll see the Star Catching mini-game. Press Stop! when the star is illuminated in order to increase your chances of using Star Force.

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6. A brief animation will be followed by the result. The equipment’s stats and Star Force level will rise if you are successful.

7. It will be possible to apply a Safeguard for particular Star Force levels. The danger that the item would be destroyed is eliminated, but the meso cost for that Star Force effort rises.

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8. Click the checkbox next to “Safeguard before you enhance” to activate it.

9. Repeat this procedure until the equipment has been Star Forced to the desired level.

Results from Starforcing

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When Star Forcing, there are four possible outcomes. The equipment’s current Star Force level determines the success and failure rates.

Success: +1 Star Force level increase

Failure (Keep) The Star Force level remains same

Failure (Drop) Lowers Star Force by one.

Failure (Destroy) Destroy the apparatus and produce the apparatus trace

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The following attempt will enter Chance Time and have a 100% success rate if two consecutive Star Force attempts are unsuccessful. Additionally, if a piece of equipment hits 10, 15, or 20 Star Force, they will remain at that level regardless of whether the effort succeeds.

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An Equipment Trace of the item will be made if the equipment is destroyed while Star Forcing. Equipment Traces can be used to restore many of the item’s stats, including potential lines and scrolling enhancement benefits, on a fresh instance of the same item.

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